Parcels within the boundaries of the Maintenance Assessment District include commercial, recreational, multi-family residential, tax exempt, and single family residential. The district is divided into two zones, based on the level of service that will be needed in each zone. Zone 1 is primarily commercial and Zone 2 is primarily residential, and it is expected that Zone 1 will require a more frequent level of service than Zone 2. The property owner assessments are proportionally higher for Zone 1 to reflect the more frequent level of service. The parcel breakdown in the zones is as follows:

Zone 1:       313

Zone 2:    1,035

TOTAL:    1,348


Property assessments within the MAD were calculated by an engineer based on the benefit that each property owner will realize from services provided by the MAD. Commercial, recreational, multi-family residential, and tax-exempt properties will be assessed based on lot square footage (LSF). Single family residential properties will be assessed a flat annual fee.

Zone 1

  • Commercial, recreational, and multi-family residential properties will be assessed an annual fee of $0.1014 x LSF. This equates to less than a penny per square foot per month.
  • Tax exempt properties will be assessed an annual fee of $0.0338 x LSF. This is about a third of the cost to commercial properties.

Zone 2

  • Commercial, recreational, and multi-family residential properties will be assessed an annual fee of $0.0845 x LSF.
  • Tax exempt properties will be assessed an annual fee of $0.0281 x LSF.

Single Family Residential

  • Single family residential properties will be assessed an annual flat fee of $86.87, or about $1.67 per week.

Any increases in assessments are capped at three percent per year.


The Engineer’s Report, identifying the properties that will receive special benefit from the improvements and services which the MAD will provide and the assessment calculation for each parcel, can be downloaded by clicking the link below.

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The Management District Plan provides a detailed look at how the assessments generated by the MAD will be spent. You can download the Management District Plan by clicking the link below.

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